Over 10,000 puzzles and teasers of more than 50 types including Logical, Math, Cryptic, Riddle, Kinship, Comparison, Pattern, Word, Picture, Reasoning, Language and many more.
With Wizypuzzle, we aims to provide a single platform to engage your brain with lots of exercises mainly puzzles and teasers. These activities are sometimes fun, brain teasing and sometimes tough to get solved. However, these are found to be effective and meaningful workouts for your brain. We have incorporated these modules based on age-groups, which are progressively advanced to higher levels. We highly thank our volunteers for contributing their time and sefless hard work to create one of the biggest database ever made for puzzles and brain teasers
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Do you misplace your keys, unable to memorise the names or regularly miss appointments? Do you feel like your memory is slowly getting worse? If so, then you may find yourself considering brain games given here.
Puzzling at younger age founds to be highly effective in nurturing the hidden potential of brain. Wizypuzzle has been widely popular in many schools, with teachers and parents assign students to take puzzle modules as a classwork or homework. There are discussion groups conducted among students, explaining how they have arrived into the answers.
WizyPuzzle is a game based interface where you can test your skills with puzzles, brain teasers, trivia etc and keep your brain engaged and entangled...
World’s largest collection of logic puzzles, brain teasers, mind games, mathematical problems, trivias etc. Wizypuzzle is a brain game to test your logical, analytical and reasoning skills.
All the brain exercises (teasers) are categorised based on your age category. Students will be automatically upgraded to next levels.
Loved the puzzles and more importantly, the look of the software. No unwanted objects in the dashboard or even in the modules…..neatly designed
Million thanks to the makers…..now, I don’t have to roam around for finding brain teasers anywhere else….really amused to see this large collection of puzzles.
Simple and effective app….tried initially for my son, but now an addict of these brain modules. It’s more like a family game now.
Great application to our students. We have made a special session in our school to keep the students engaged. Appreciate if you can create a teacher led modules.
These exercises are very good to keep your kid engaged in a meaningful program. Am sure that this will help them to win any competitive exams.
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